Monday, March 23, 2009

Subterranean Homesick Blues

Okay, moving onto some other recent craftings...
A hat! A bright pink hat made out of the delicious "Burly Spun" yarn that I love so.
Some felted pin cushions...
A fabulous "Artfelt" project started by myself and the lovely Natalie...
I need to get a picture of the finished product, it turned out amazing!
I made these little cuties for my art room, oh and here's what it looks like, our creative space...
We'll end here today with a lovely picture of my little princess Mildred and myself...

Norwegian Wood

Oh holy jesus! I've been doing a lot of crafting, and I will now finally get to posting some of them...
I'll start with my recent Beatles inspired crafts.
John Lennon Embroidery
I was inspired by someone's deviant art drawing of this. The original, of course is from the "1" album.
This is a slightly funckt shrinky dink, but it turned out kind of psychedelic looking...
...and The Beatles Quilt... Not quite a triumph yet, but I'm working on it.

I like your boobs. They're very friendly and unpretentious.

If you have never seen The Science of Sleep, and we are friends, I recommend that you do so. Especially is you saw and enjoyed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, because this is kind of on the same path, but I think it's far superior. So, yeah, watch it. Oh, and also watch Wrist Cutters- A Love Story. It's super cute. Okay...

The Science of Sleep

Wrist Cutters

So that's it for now, hopefully I will have craftings in my blog soon. I've been doing a lot of it. lets see, I have about 8 WIP's right now, it's fucked...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happiness is a warm gun...

Well, my life for the past two weeks has been completely consumed by The Beatles...
John, specifically. This post will be an obscenely long list of my favorite photos of John Lennon.